TWO LITTLE FISHIES – Aquastik Red – 2 oz. (57 g)
AquaStik Stone Grey. Underwater Epoxy Putty for marine and freshwater aquariums, Ponds and Paludariums. Also useful in Reptile & Small Animal habitats. Neutral color. Non-toxic to fish, plants & small animals. Cures dry, damp, or underwater.
Package Description:Â 2 oz. (57 g)
Serving Size:Â ..
Number of Servings:Â ..
- Peel back plastic wrapper enough to twist or cut off required amount of AquaStik.
- To mix, knead with fingers for about one minute to a uniform color (for people with sensitive skin, gloves may be used). Press and hold in place for 2 minutes.
- Apply to surface within 2 minutes of mixing. Working time is about 5 minutes. The mixed epoxy does not exhibit high bond strength at this point, but hardens after 20 minutes and completely cures in 24 hours.
- Put unmixed portion back in tube for later use.
Note:Â Use of large quantities will temporarily cause protein skimmer to foam excessively. Turn off skimmer for 36 hours after use.
Use with plastic rods to form more structural bonds. Do not cut off any excess epoxy as this may weaken the attachment. Coralline algae will soon coat exposed epoxy. Corals also grow over the epoxy, forming an additional bond with it.
For attaching fragmented branches of Acropora and other stony corals, surround the base with epoxy and press it into a hole in the rock. A toothpick or plastic rod inserted into the base or a peg can provide extra support for large pieces or for soft corals.
For Gorgonians:Â If there is a base, put epoxy under it and push base into a deep depression in the rock, holding it in place by hand for 2 minutes. Rubber bands, plastic cable ties, monofilament line, or a clamping device may be used to hold large pieces in place until epoxy cures. Remove clamp or cut the temporary bands after 24 hours. If the gorgonian has no base, clean about 1 inch of live tissue off the woody skeleton from the bottom of the stem. Cover the exposed portion with enough epoxy to hold the specimen firmly when inserted into a hole in the rock. Push the excess epoxy down into the hole and around the stem to secure it in place. Plastic toothpick shims wedged into the hole with the epoxy hay help hold really large specimens.
For freshwater planted aquariums and paludariums, AquaStik can be used to attach Java Fern, Java Moss, Bolbitis, Riccia, Anubias species and other plants to wood and rocks.