CARIB SEA – Purple-Up Coraline Algae Accelerator – 8 fl. oz. (236 ml)
PurpleUp – uses a unique dual method approach to coralline algae acceleration. This approach is so unique that PurpleUp has been awarded a US patent (US patent No. 7,565,883). It contains ionic calcium; which immediately raises dissolved calcium levels in your aquarium water. At the same time Super Sea Calcium (a 10 micron aragonite powder derived from natural seawater) targets the live rock surface. This dissolves in situ; delivering calcium, strontium, magnesium, and carbonate right where it’s needed. PurpleUp also replenishes iodine; an essential element for coralline algae tissues that quickly becomes depleted in closed systems. PurpleUp is not a fertilizer, it does not promote the growth of nuisance algae.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between BufferPlus and PurpleUp?
Both of these products contain the same main core ingredient: AragaMight powder dissolved in water. AragaMight contains Calcium and Carbonate in balanced proportion and is also a good source of Strontium, Magnesium and other minor trace elements. This is the sole ingredient in BufferPlus, (which is the same as AragaMilk). This ingredient makes Buffe Plus the ideal alkalinity booster / calcium and trace element source. PurpleUp expands on this main ingredient by adding an iodine source and adding an ionic form of calcium thus increasing the amount of available calcium. This makes PurpleUp a more complete additive that may be used as a stand alone reef supplement.
Why would I want to use PurpleUp over BufferPlus, or vice versa?
BufferPlus is a great buffer to keep your alkalinity in check and can be a good source of calcium and other trace elements. PurpleUp has an iodine component as well as the aragonite component of BufferPlus. (See also preceding answer).
Package Description:Â 8 fl. oz. (236 ml)
Serving Size:Â ..
Number of Servings:Â ..
Ingredients or Materials: It contains ionic calcium; which immediately raises dissolved calcium levels in your aquarium water.
Shake well before use! Add 1 capful (5ml) per 50 gallons no more than once daily. Place in the sump, near a powerhead outlet, or any high flow area of the system for rapid dispersal. Purple uptm will cause some temporary cloudiness. Check calcium levels regularly. Adjust dosage of purple uptm to maintain calcium levels between 380 ppm and 420 ppm (380 mg/l to 420 mg/l). Do not exceed 420 ppm on a regular basis or significant precipitation will occur. (important! Wait at least 1 hour after using purple up to test calcium levels or erroneously high calcium levels may be indicated.)
Factors for best coralline algae growth:
– PurpleUp does not contain coralline algae. Some living coralline algae must already be living on rocks or aquarium glass.
– high dissolved phosphate levels inhibit the growth of coralline algae (and corals) and favors the growth of nuisance algaes. Check phosphate levels and use PhosBuster or other products to lower phosphate levels if necessary.
– carbonate hardness levels should be maintained at natural seawater levels 2-2.5 meq/l or higher.
– high nitrogeneous waste levels encourage nuisance algae growth, keep nitrogenous waste levels in check.
– keep pH in the range of normal seawater (8.2).
– light spectrum in the range of 5500° Kelvin or higher favors the growth of coralline algae.
– grazing animals such as snails, tangs and reef friendly hermit crabs encourgae coralline algae by consuming competing fast growing nuisance algaes.
– coralline algaes have a life cycle that determines the speed of formation of new colonies. Different species of coralline algaes may grow at different rates. It is not unusual to take several months for pink and purple coralline algaes to reach rapid growth rates.