SCHOOL ZONE – Thinking Skills Preschool Workbook – 32 Pages
Putting two and two together takes practice and concentration! Help your child develop observation and reasoning abilities. This 32-page Thinking Skills workbook helps preschoolers practice organizing information, classifying, sequencing, completing picture analogies, and solving logic puzzles. A range of activities are designed to sharpen focus and attention to detail. “Circle 5 things that are wrong with this picture.” “Draw what comes next.” “Put an X by the picture that shows why this happened.” Full-color illustrations enhance every page. The slim size is great for packing into totes and luggage.
Fun Features & Big Benefits
- Parent Guide inside front cover
- Certificate of Achievement
- Golden Scholar Club redemption code
- Creative, colorful illustrations
- Convenient, take-anywhere size
Skills: observation; concentration; critical thinking; problem-solving; following directions; creativity; logic; eliminating; sequencing; comparing; contrasting; classifying; grouping; matching; cause and effect; same or different
Package Description:Â 32 pages
Serving Size:Â ..
Number of Servings:Â ..
- Parent Guide inside front cover
- Certificate of Achievement
- Golden Scholar Club redemption code
- Creative, colorful illustrations
- Convenient, take-anywhere size
- Perfect for home or school!
- Age Range: 3-5.